Judgement-free, holistic, and evidence based personal training with
Dr. Stephanie Weiner

Kick the toxic fitness industry to the curb.

I firmly believe in operating outside of the toxic and judgmental constraints of the fitness industry.

If you’re tired of cycling in and out of the gym, crash dieting, and generally being told you’re “not good enough,” you’ve come to the right place. My coaching and training practice focuses on building habits that match your lifestyle and goals.

We’ll be a good fit if…

You want to take fear out of your workouts

The fitness industry wants you to believe in a rigid postures and a one-size-fits-all style of training.

Let me tell you now that there is no wrong way to move. We’ll work on why some movements may work or not work for you, but we’ll never categorize those movements as “good” or “bad.”

You believe that all bodies are worthy

You do not need to look a certain way or be a specific weight to strength train. I believe in the ethos of Health at Every Size, and it’s why each program is created specifically for the unique needs of each person.

You want to focus on longevity

All of my clients have one thing in common: using strength as a means of preventative medicine. The foundation of our work together will be to build habits that will make and keep you strong for years to come.

You suffer from chronic pain

As a trained and licensed DPT, I bring an evidence-based and patient-centered approach to all personal training sessions. I’ll assess your pain, lifestyle, and what has failed you in the past to make an actionable plan for the future.

You don’t fit in at the gym

Have you ever walked into a gym and felt immediately overwhelmed? Whether it’s the gym bros, the equipment, or the general atmosphere, our sessions will take place where ever you are the most comfortable.

You’re curious about how to amp up your strength training

I love working with novices and experts alike. We’ll set up your training schedule based on your needs, availability, and budget. From walking clients through each exercise to providing a self-lead training program, I practice flexible and adaptive approach with everyone.

“Working with Steph has been one of the best things I’ve done for my health! I went from early days of our work together being afraid of too much movement because of my back pain to doing advanced mat Pilates and strength training under her guidance. I cannot recommend working with her enough, either for PT or coaching (or both!), and this is coming from someone who has seen many PTs and personal trainers.”