Sorry Nike - Winning IS for Everyone
Stephanie Weiner Stephanie Weiner

Sorry Nike - Winning IS for Everyone

Sorry Nike—winning is for everyone. It’s in the small victories, the everyday triumphs, and the moments of personal achievement that we find the true spirit of competition. Let’s celebrate that, and encourage everyone to chase their own version of gold.

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The Impact of Context on Pain and Sensation
Stephanie Weiner Stephanie Weiner

The Impact of Context on Pain and Sensation

The next time you’re wondering why an exercise hurts one day but didn’t hurt the day before, or why you’re tired even though your sleep monitor says you got the same quality of sleep, or why you’re feeling like your blood is going to boil in heat that didn’t bother you yesterday, remember: context always matters. How you experience anything will always be affected by what is going on around you.

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“Perfect” Posture Isn't the Key to Pain-Free Living
Stephanie Weiner Stephanie Weiner

“Perfect” Posture Isn't the Key to Pain-Free Living

The concept of a single correct posture is a myth. Our bodies are incredibly diverse, and what works for one person might not work for another. There is no universally perfect way to sit, stand, or lift that will magically prevent pain for everyone.

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The Power of Walking: A Simple Remedy for Low Back Pain
Stephanie Weiner Stephanie Weiner

The Power of Walking: A Simple Remedy for Low Back Pain

The study's results are promising: the walking intervention significantly reduced the risk of activity-limiting recurrence of low back pain, extended the median days to recurrence, and improved overall disability and quality of life.

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To Get Good At Pull-Ups, You Need To Start Doing Pull-Ups
Stephanie Weiner Stephanie Weiner

To Get Good At Pull-Ups, You Need To Start Doing Pull-Ups

The SAID principle stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. In the context of strength training, it means that your body adapts specifically to the type of demand you place on it. If you want to get better at pull-ups, you need to engage in activities that mimic or replicate the movement pattern of a pull-up

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Why I No Longer Call Movement a “Workout”
Stephanie Weiner Stephanie Weiner

Why I No Longer Call Movement a “Workout”

Movement should be a celebration of what our bodies can do, not a punishment for what we think they can’t. So here's to movement in all its forms may it bring us health, happiness, and a deeper connection to ourselves.

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Elevating Your Health, One Step at a Time
Stephanie Weiner Stephanie Weiner

Elevating Your Health, One Step at a Time

If you're like many people, accessing health information isn't the issue; it's deciphering which actions will truly instigate lasting, meaningful lifestyle changes. Should you be diving into cold plunges, stocking up on supplements, restricting exercise to evenings, or increasing weights by 5 or 10 pounds?

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